TOP 10 RICHEST MUSICIANS IN CAMEROON List of richest musicians in Cameroon. Music has remain one of the reasonable source of wealth for musicians in Cameroon for Cameroon musicians are now known through out the world for example we have Stanley Enow, and it's amazing that some of it's artists have long succeeded in the music industry with popular music like jazz, Afrobeat, hip-hop. This article features the top 10 richest musicians in Cameroon and the net worth each of them has acquired. 1. Yannick Noah (Born in 18 may 1960) Was a former tennis player and a singer in France. He won the French Open in 1983 , and is currently the captain of both France's Davis Cup and Fed Cup team . During his career, which spanned almost two decades, Noah captured a total of 23 singles titles and 16 doubles titles, reaching a career-high singles ranking of world No. 3 in July 1986 and attaining the World No. 1 doubles...